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Hello, Im Rachel Chan. I hate reading EL books,its kind of a miracle for me to finish reading a book (?). I hate writing journals!!! & essays D: But i think writing journals on blogs should be quite cool, yea?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Oral Conversation Day 8

2. Well, there are certainly many difficulties faced by women wishing to pursue a career and have a family. Firstly, No matter what they have to choose between two as a priority, and that can reallybe a tough choice. Without a career, the income of the family will drop and also some women do not like to be housewives as they would rather keep themselves occupied and contribute to the society. Secondly, the heavy work load they recieve can cause them to become really stress. And when they come back from home, they still have to spend time with their children. This makes them really very busy and if their chiildren are youngbbabies, frequent cries can make them easily irritated. Thirdly, women must also establish a storng relationship with her mother-in-law, many misundertsandings can occur if they stay together. When they have already suffered enough during work, they cna be easily frustrated when misundersdtandings between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law occurs. Lastly, women must also make sure that hr realtioship with her husband is maintained.

Employers should learn to be more lenient when it comes to women taking leaves but of course it must be appropriate too.

Oral Picture Day 8

This picture depicts a scene at a small field. A group of young children are playing with their teachers on the small field. I believe that this area is used for outdoor activities for the children as a playground can be seen at the top right hand corner of the picture.
I believe that they are playing the game " The eagle catching chicks" whereby the teachers are the mother hen,the small children the chicks and another child as the eagle. The role of the mother hen, played by the teachers is to protect the chicks from the eagle. I believe the real scene is filled with laughters as the teachers and children are all smiling happily.I believe they really enjoy this game. Before playin this game, I believ the young children have had lessos in the kindergarten. Between few lessons, probably there was aresting time for them to engage in outdoor activities.

Oral Conversation Day 6

2. Yes, I think everyone can learn to be good at a sport. Sports requires stamina, interest, and experience. If you lack any of these you will not perform better than the others. This is why some people are better at sports than other people. Basically, if one has no interests in sports, he or she will not even spend free time learning a sport or doing vigorous training, thus he or she will never be as good as others who are willinglyy to spend time to learn. To be good in a sport requires alot of training, thus interest plays a big role. Well, I do not agree that men are better at sport than women. Men and women both have different sports that they are better in. For example, I would agree that men are better in sports like basketball, etc. This is due to their physical structure as men are relatively stronger than girls. Howevrer for certain sports like gymnastics, I believe women are better than men.

Oral Picture Day 6

This picture depicts a scene at a stadium. I believe that an inter-school sports meet is being held. A group of girls wearing their school uniform is standing on the grass patch cheering for the team that they are supporting. I believe that a race is taking place at another end of the stadium. The girls are cheerying very excitedly and happily, thus I can infer that the team they are supporting are leading. Among the four girls, the second girl seems to be jumping when the shot was taken, this shows how happy they were. Behind them, a group of atheletes are seated on the track, either waiting for their turn or are resting after a race. I think the atheletes will feel very encouraged when they hear the encouragement and support of their friends.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Oral Conversation Day 10

1. A performance will defitnetly the concert of my favourite singer. What impressed me was his ability to make the audiences " high", the way he controlled the whole stage, his stage presentation, and of course his powerful voice and entertaining dance moves. Although Ive already knew that he could dance and sing very well, I was shocked when I got to see it "live". The feeling when watching him performing infront of me is really different from watching on tv or on the net. I was really impressed while watching the concert.
I will not consider acting as a career as I know that I cannot act well, and I do not have the interest in acting as well. Ive heard of the difficulties and hardship encountered by actors, and by how they descrbied the real life of acting, it makes me even more firm that i will not consider a career in acting. Moreover, acting requires you to memorises lines for your role. Ido not have a good memory and hate memorising, hence making it obvious that acting is not suitable for me.
If I were an actress, I would hope to act in evil roles such as criminals. This is because I will never get to "kill" someone or "steal" from someone without having abrush against the law. While acting, I can actually try how it feels to be so evil.

Oral Conversation Day 4

2. Animals, people and plants share the same world. Plant life and animal life are important to us humans in almost every aspect.Plants, animals, people,nature and wildlife are closely related and thus one should not overpower the other, as all of us need one another. Also, the losing of natural habitats and wildlife affects us either directly or indirectly. Thus, protecting natural habitats and looking after wildlife is a part we, humans, should contribute to the world. If natural habitats are destroyed, animas, plannts living there will die eventually due to the lack of resources. If the situation is bad, animals may become extinct or endangered. If these animals are beneficial for humans such as a source of food, we humans will also lose out. This further proves my point that people should protect natural habitats. In addition, if illegal hunting of wildlife continues to take place, eventually these animals will also be extinct. Even if humans do not consume this particular animal, the extinction of this animal will still affect a food chain that will eventually affect humans.

In my opinion, I think we are destroying nature in a large extent. Forests are burned just to clear space for planting of crops, trees are cut down for paper, animals are hunted for medicinal purposes, for their coat, or for their meat. The common sight will be urbanisation whereby forest are cut down to build tall buildings -- factories or offices. This actions of human has caused nature to be destroyed to a large extent.

However, urbanisation is important to a country. Without developed cities, the country will not be prosper as cities are the main sites for businesses. Although developingg cities damages nature somehow, it is still essential. But, damage to the environment can be minimised.

In conclusion, I feel that there is a need to protect natural habitats and wildlife as they belong to the world too, and they have direct or indirect relations to humans.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Oral Picture Day 4

This picture depicts a scene of wheelchair-bounded people boarding a bus which specially accomodates to the needs of the disabled. The bus has a door open very widely and has a ramp which is broad enough for a wheelchair to go up the bus. From this, I can tell that the bus is specially prepared for the disabled, so that travelling from one place to another will be more convenient for them.
In the centre of the picture, a disabled man seating on a wheelchair, is seen using the ramp to enter the bus. A man is helping him by pushing the wheelchair up the ramp for him and another man in the bus, is seen giving a helping hand to the man in the wheelchair. Both of the man are really courteous and helpful, I believe they are volunteers in this particular voluntery organisation for the disabled.
In the foreground, around the man in the wheelchair, there are many volunteers too, I can tell this because all of them are wearing tags, to show that they belong to an organisation. All of them seem to be very patient, waiting for the disabled man to board the bus successfully.
In between the volunteers, another disabled woman is seating on a wheelchair. She is seen to be smiiling very happily. I believe this is the very first time she is taking a bus since she became disabled. Thus, she may be very excited.
I think after this, they might be visiting a place of attraction in Singapore, organised by this organisation for the disabled to be exposed to the outside world, instead of being limited to places due to their disability.
In conclusion, I think this voluntary oragnisation helps the disabilities to regain their confidence by bringing them to places where others can go. In this way, the disabled willl not feel restricted due to their disability.